My name is Santana, and I grew up in Puerto Rico. I moved to New York in 1994, but my family life was very disruptive and dysfunctional. I always knew that something felt “off”, but I couldn’t really figure out what the truth was. Eventually, I found out that the man my mother said was my father was not my true father. She had been lying to me my whole life. All I needed was real love from my mother, and I wanted her to apologize for how much she hurt me. I didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere, so I decided to go out on my own when I turned 13.
Though now I can see that God carried me through every stage of my life, I had to go through some tough times. I turned to drugs to help me cope with being alone. I started struggling with PTSD and my mental health. I fell into the wrong crowd because I was looking for the acceptance and love that I never got growing up. I didn’t believe in God, and I felt like I was better off figuring things out by myself.
Seven years ago, I made the decision to get clean because I knew my drug use was negatively impacting my life. I thank God that I have been able to stay clean. I moved to Rhode Island three years ago to try and reconcile with my mother, but it didn’t work out. I didn’t know where to turn or what to do. My doctor gave me some information about the Mission and told me that they had a shelter there. I didn’t know if there would be any long-term solutions for me there, but I decided to go for just one night and see what happened.
Once I got there, I quickly learned about the Road to Recovery Men’s Program. When I heard about it, my heart started racing and I knew I was supposed to sign up. I felt like God had sent me there to clear up a lot of issues in my life that I was confused about. Once I started, I could see the work that God was doing in me, and I didn’t want to give up. Now, 11 months later, I am so glad that I stayed. The Mission brought me back to church and reestablished my relationship with God. When I started applying the lessons I learned in the classes and in counseling, I started to see a difference in myself. I see now how His grace carried me through all those difficult
times that I couldn’t see my way out of. God has given me the family that I have been looking for my entire life at the Mission. I don’t take any of my blessings for granted now. I never want to go backwards to where I came from, and I know that starts with fixing myself and the issues that brought me here.
I’m almost finished with the program, and I am currently completing my internship as a resident assistant in the shelter. I love helping people because I can relate to where they have been. I want to show them that this is not all there is for them. There is more to life than dealing with drugs, trauma, and other life altering issues. I want to show everyone who comes here the love of Christ. Your donations are making a difference in helping people just like me. I am an example of the life-changing work that the Mission does! Thank you to the Mission for helping to completely change my life and thank you for donating from the generosity of your heart!
The Providence Rescue Mission, a division of Rhode Island Rescue Ministries, is a 501 (c) (3) not for profit organization.
All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
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